Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse: Inner Devotion Meets Tangible Results

Taurus New Moon EclipseTomorrow’s Taurus New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse has the potential to manifest certain spiritual aspirations we’ve been devoted to making real for quite some time.

The Scorpio-Taurus axis, with Scorpio at the South Node position and Taurus at the North Node, has demanded a great deal of surrender (Scorpio) that can now receive tangible results (Taurus).

Those who have mismanaged Scorpio power, using manipulation and control over others will now have to pay the piper.  Those who have managed life force energy to serve the greatest good will be solidly rewarded.

Venus Rules the Taurus New Moon

With Venus as the ruler of this Taurus New Moon Eclipse, beauty and harmony are the gifts bestowed.  Adding to that energy are Jupiter and Neptune, conjunct Venus in the sign of Pisces – representing our highest ideals and visions.


I now see and experience the tangible results and beautiful blessings that manifest as a result of all the inner work I’ve been devoted to for so long.

My personal dreams and the spiritual ideals impacting the collective are manifesting in the most magical and beneficial way for all life on our planet.

Uranus Conjunct the Taurus New Moon

The conjunction of this new moon partial eclipse to Uranus means that surprising twists of fate are in store for us that will undoubtedly revolutionize our personal and collective values, resources, and tangible assets.


I can fully trust the surprising changes unfolding now as the ultimate result is for my highest good and the highest good of all.

Saturn square Sedna:

The square between Saturn in Aquarius and Sedna in Taurus is revealing the conflict between systems that place a higher value on technological advancement with those that value organic life.

In this case, Sedna has the upper hand, not only because it is further away from the Earth and governs a larger cycle of time, but also because it’s conjunct the Taurus North Node, and rules the direction in which we are heading as a human family. Sedna calls us to transcend all previous trauma, fear, and pain so that we can truly live in harmony with the Earth and all her life.


Previous social structures that put technology above human life or life of any kind are now being revised to ensure that life is placed above any technological advancement.

Mercury conjunct Sedna:

Mercury in Gemini, representing our rational mind and thought processes now unite with Sedna in Taurus, upholding the law of reciprocity and reverence for all life.


Rational thought processes that were based upon a false history or manmade reality are now completely washed away, and I can see a brand new reality forming that is authentic, true, harmonious, and beneficial for all life on Earth.

Mercury trine Pluto:

The trine between Mercury and Pluto enables our thought process to include information that comes from the intangible realm, seeing the deeper meaning behind all that is unfolding.


My rational mind and curious nature are now able to see beneath the surface appearance of things and glean the deeper truth and meaning of all that is unfolding in my world.

Venus & Jupiter sextile Pluto:

The combination of Venus & Jupiter with Pluto is a powerful aspect for manifesting what we desire as long as it is authentically aligned with our highest good and the highest good of all.


I no longer fear the changes taking place in my life or in the world because I now see the deeper meaning that comes from divine source and that impacts the big picture unfolding in the world.

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