Come What May: Uranus in Taurus Revolutionizes our Values

The biggest news astrologically this month, and really for the whole of 2018, is Uranus’s move into Taurus on May 15, also the day of the New Moon. It’s been 84 years since Uranus occupied the sign Taurus, and 7 years since Uranus shifted signs from Pisces to Aries. While traveling through Aries, Uranus activated the “I need to be free to be me” attitude. As it moves into Taurus, it will activate the “I need to be free financially” attitude. We will feel some dissonance as our acquisitive nature and security needs are challenged by Uranus’s energy.

As Fixed Earth, Taurus loves its routine and is not adept at handling the curve balls Uranus like to throw. How well we respond will depend upon our entire signature, not just the placement of the Sun (in Taurus or the other fixed signs). Get your FREE chart.

Growing Pains

As Earth continues to ascend into the higher dimensions, we may feel physical or emotional symptoms and challenges. This is natural even if it isn’t fun…it is all part of the healing process taking place individually and collectively. As a light-worker, you likely agreed to experience certain patterns for the purpose of helping to transmute/transform a particular archetype for the good of ALL.

Breaking Free

At the global level, we will see a need to break free of systemic financial “enslavement”. But Taurus governs more than mere finances; it rules resources of all kinds, including self-esteem. The old social narrative that equates self-worth to net-worth will be revolutionized by Uranus’s presence in Taurus. And Earth is our “real estate” writ large, so all things related to her resources and the environment will also be affected and ultimately revolutionized. There may first be some shock waves in these areas, perhaps even literal “earthquakes”, but ultimately the upheaval will lead to innovative change and more Earth friendly solutions. We will get a sense of what is to unfold when Mars in Aquarius squares Uranus on May 16. My guess is that it will ignite change that ultimately castrates corporate greed and restores power to the masses.

Eccentric and Unfamiliar

Uranus also rules the eccentric and unfamiliar. This includes inter-dimensional and extra-terrestrial beings. So Uranus in Taurus could bring more visible contact and interaction with those who’ve been assisting with Earth’s evolution from behind the scenes.

How can we prepare psychologically and spiritually for these changes? Being aware of where Uranus sits in your chart, as well as the areas of life affected by the fixed signs Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius will provide insight. The highest vibration of Uranus’s shake-up is to wake up. If we’ve been aware that we need to change and haven’t, Uranus’s effects may be shocking. If we’ve been evolving according to our inner guidance, then these changes should be felt as a breath of fresh air.

Awakening Sedna

For the last 7 years transiting Uranus has been awakening the energy of Sedna in the charts of those born before 1968. It is about to do the same for those born after 1968 with natal Sedna in Taurus. Sedna embodies the journey of each Water sign’s initiation from low to high vibration. Sedna’s triple-water shamanic initiations illustrate our own journey, from low to high emotional vibration, for the purpose of ultimately transcending victim/persecutor consciousness that has plagued our planet for eons.

Evolutionary Process

As part of Earth’s ascension process, there has been a need for us to feel every conceivable emotion in order to transmute that vibration on this planet. In doing so, we have provided a service to our planet. Uranus plays an intricate role in this evolutionary process as liberator of all sentient beings who have previously felt marginalized or outcast. The good news relevant to the transit of Uranus in Taurus, and activating Sedna, is that abundance will be provided when human beings practice right relationship with all other sentient life. Preview Jennifer’s new book on Sedna

Astrology is Sound Medicine

Combining astrology with sound healing is not only a profound and efficient way to recalibrate our bodies and move us into the higher vibrations, it is “sound medicine”.  Why?  Because, as Geothe said, “geometry is frozen music.”  The mathematical angles and patterns in your natal chart are actually harmonic relationships that respond remarkably well to the medicinal use of sound.  As transits (the current sky) activate areas in your chart, it is analogous to an acupuncturist’s needle insertion, or an Acutonics Practitioner’s tuning fork, on the body – accessing reservoirs of energy for the purpose of healing.

If you’d like to find out where Uranus sits in your chart, or how well you are heeding the call of change and liberation, contact Jennifer for a free 15-minute consultation or book a Skype session with Astro-Sound Alignment. If you live in Massachusetts consider booking an in person session with me in either Cummington, MA or Clinic Alternative Medicines in Northampton.

Learn Astrology while learning about YOU

If you’re new to astrology and would like to learn the basics while also learning about yourself, attend my webinar How to Live in Your Element: Introduction to Astrology on June 3, 2018, 11am-1pm EST