From Compromised to Clarity: Libra New Moon to Aries Full Moon

Libra New Moon
Libra New Moon

The October 6 Libra New Moon begins a cycle of transitioning from situations in which we have either felt, or actually been, compromised in some way.

If we’ve had to compromise our needs for the sake of others, or have felt as though our needs have been involuntarily compromised by others’ demands upon our lives, this will be clarified as we head toward the Aries Full Moon.

Many planets are still retrograde, including Mercury; however, the very next day, on Oct 7, Pluto kicks off a domino effect of planets turning direct.  This chain of events will crescendo right up to the Aries Full Moon on October 20th.  Below is a quick overview of what’s to come:

  • Oct 6 – Libra New Moon, transitioning away from compromising situations
  • Oct 7 – Pluto turns direct, revealing what’s been hidden, and Venus ingresses into Sagittarius, representing a shift in our beliefs and values.
  • Oct 11 – Saturn turns direct, giving authority back to the people (Aquarius)
  • Oct 18 – Jupiter and Mercury turn direct, expanding our awareness and helping us to see our world through a much larger lens
  • Oct 20 – Aries Full Moon – the grand finale shedding light on the issues that unfold, and revealing a clearer picture

Libra New Moon and the USA

For the USA, this Libra New Moon forms an exact square to our Cancer Sun, creating tension between self-care and domestic concerns and juggling that with others’ needs.

Yod involving Libra New Moon, USA Saturn, Asc, focal point Uranus

There is also an aspect known as the “finger of god” or Yod, between the Libra New Moon and US Saturn at 13/14 Libra, US Ascendant at 12 Sagittarius, and Uranus at 13 Taurus.

Yods are symbolic of destiny playing a major role in the unfolding of these events and cycles.

Such planetary transitions and connections are no coincidence.  They reveal that divine support is behind everything that’s happening and about to happen in our world.

This will include revelations that will, without a doubt, leave an indelible mark upon our collective psyche.

Aries Full Moon

Aries Full Moon

The Aries Full Moon on October 20th features a grand cardinal cross involving the Libra Sun, Aries Full Moon, Pluto in Capricorn (all at 27 degrees), and US Mercury at 24 Cancer.

Anytime there is a grand cross, major conflicts become too painful to ignore.  The good news is that with a cardinal cross, there is enough determination to resolve these issues.

Libra Sun to Aries Full Moon describes the tension felt between asserting one’s own needs and balancing personal needs with those of a significant other or others plural.

T-Square involving Pluto and Mars

The fact that Mars rules this Aries Full Moon and is opposing the moon as it conjuncts the sun, means that caution is advised where expressing anger is concerned.  We all need to stay grounded and calm.

Pluto in Capricorn forms a T-square to this full moon, creating tension that must be resolved, especially when Pluto turns direct.  Both the full moon and Pluto’s direct motion are revelatory –  anything hidden will now be revealed.  The fact that Mars at 23 Libra forms a square to Pluto spells volatility and intensity being stirred up.

Aries Full Moon and the USA

Grand Cardinal Cross

Add to this the fact that the US Mercury at 24 Cancer creates the fourth point of this “T” making a grand cardinal cross.Pluto in Capricorn opposite Mercury in Cancer adds emphasis to the deeply disturbing psychological effect these revelations will have on many of us.

While the details and exact timing remain a mystery, the astrological forecast certainly describes an intense time ahead. Wishing everyone the highest vibration of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, great prosperity, and the peace that surpasses understanding.  Blessings~Jennifer

Tune into this month’s High Vibe Astro Video

If you’d like to be part of my High Vibe Sound Intention Project, reply to this email and I’ll forward a link for the one that is available to the public.  Curious?  Watch the replay of the one I hosted for my women’s circle.  If you would like to be part of my High Vibe Astrology Circle for women, you may join here.