May 7 Scorpio Full Moon Activating Sedna at 17 Taurus

As today’s Full Moon activates Sedna, Sedna activates the Earth, bringing higher cosmic rays of intelligence, love, and wisdom.  As Sedna encapsulates the hero/heroine’s journey of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, we will have to confront and heal the deeper and hidden parts of our Selves so that Earth herself can heal.

The “as above so below” principle has never been more evident, nor more important for the evolution of our planet.  This full moon has the Sun in an exact conjunction with Sedna at 17 degrees Taurus, and the moon opposing her at 17 Scorpio.  All that has been hidden from the collective will indeed be revealed over the next 6-12 months.

It’s important to remember that darkness serves a purpose, and that is to bring in more light.  Sedna came from the outermost reaches of space, beyond our solar system and connects us to the great unknown, the great mystery.  In time, we will see the information and evolutionary content her return is bringing to us for the good of all.  But first, there will be some unsavory truths we will each have to face.  My hope is that we will all have compassion on ourselves and each other as we do.


Wishing all of you a Happy Mother’s Day, and good health and harmony,


Instead of an Astro-Sound recording, I am sharing this interview from my friend Alanna’s Blue Star Podcast on Sedna:
