Earth Day Meditation
Dear Friends,
I don’t often address the darker side of things because, although it is important to be awake and aware, it is more powerful to hold a vision for healing and peace on our planet. What we focus on is where the energy goes and eventually manifests.
I have been guided to share this message with you, and I will keep it brief. My regular monthly blog on the New Moon to Full Moon energies will follow in a few days. For those of you who pray, meditate, connect to Source, God, the Nameless One, please do so now. This can be done everyday, so if you feel called, I hope you will continue. I believe that time is fluid, and whenever you can tune in your energy it will link up with others whose vision and positive energy resonates with yours.
That said, if you can tune in at 11 pm tonight, and at 11 am/11 pm all of the days that follow, it is, as I’ve been shown, a powerful gateway for manifesting. Without going into detail, I want to share the messages I’ve been receiving lately about what is unfolding at this time. There is a spiritual warfare that has been going on for eons, and it is coming to a head now as earth transitions from one age to the next.
Light and Life always triumph, so there is nothing to fear in that respect. However, there are people, most of them children, who have been suffering from human trafficking, and unspeakable ritual torture, who need our help now. We can help them by visualizing the end of this hell on earth, and by seeing their rescuers victorious; by seeing them healed, and receiving all of the love and support available at this time.
The details of what has been going on will all come out eventually, and it will undoubtedly shock everyone around the globe. Even certain information related to COVID-19, its origin and perpetuation, will outrage many when it is revealed. We will all need to help each other when the actual truth, not fake propaganda, is made public knowledge.
This unfathomable abuse of power is coming to an end, and it is our connection, communion, prayer and meditation that will accelerate the process. Please join me tonight in meditation, and let’s help Earth and ALL her children heal.
With love, and in harmony,
April 22, 2020 @ 6:55 pm
Wow!!! How beautiful Jenn.
May 13, 2020 @ 10:09 pm
Thank you Ella!