Facing Change with Courage: July 28 ’22 Leo New Moon

ChangeToday’s Leo New Moon is packed with opportunity to act with courage in the face of major change.  Jupiter’s stationing retrograde right after the New Moon intensifies its energy, and its trine to the New Moon magnifies and supports a courageous heart.  On July 31 and Aug 1, we have an exact conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in Taurus, energizing a desire for liberation, and potentially manifesting opportunities that seem to come from out of the blue.

The fixed signs Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio are impacted the most, yet are the most reluctant within the zodiac to change.  Usually provided with Spirit’s gentle nudges first, but if unresponsive, they may find themselves pushed unceremoniously in a particular direction.   Cardinal signs Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, and Libra like to initiate change, but may be challenged to see it through to completion.

Mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces, are already highly changeable.  Yet even they may encounter challenges in coping with the sudden developments this new cycle promises to bring.

Of course, we have to consider our entire chart, not just the Sun’s position to know how we will be affected on a personal level.  Rest assured, though, everyone will feel these influences in one way or another.  No matter how these changes may seem at first, they ultimately hold promise for our highest good!

For personal consultations and professional help with navigating change, email soundworksbygehl@gmail.com or visit soundworksbygehl.com.


Inspired by today’s Leo New Moon, but timeless in effects, join me for a Leo New Moon Activation with frequencies and affirmations to keep you positively charged!!  No matter what changes unfold, by listening you will stay centered, calm, peaceful, and positive. Listen Here

New Course on Might Networks! This site is currently for ladies only.  I will be offering an online course from my website very soon!

Astrosonics YOUniversity: Bringing Astrology to Life through the Principles of Harmony

Have you always wanted to learn astrology? This course is designed for beginners in a way that they can physically experience with vibration, intuitively feel with emotions, and intellectually understand as they apply lessons to daily life.

YOUniversity means you are at the center of everything you already know. This course will draw it forth through the language of astrology and the power of sound and vibration to activate YOUR innate wisdom.  Click here to join!