The Four Gates and Humanity’s Crossroads: Aquarius Full Moon
The Aquarius Full Moon taking place at 19 Aquarius is part of a grand square involving the fixed signs Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus, and further intensified with the energies of Uranus and Saturn.
The ancient texts, including the bible, all speak of the four gates and guardians of heaven: the lion (Leo), eagle (Scorpio), bull (Taurus), and human (Aquarius), all of which the fixed signs represent.
This full moon stretches us to full capacity, putting pressure to bear on ideas we thought were true, both personally and globally. Since this full moon is on the heels of the 8:8 Lion’s gate, which literally opened the gates of heaven, and simultaneously revealed the gates of hades, the decisions we make now will have monumental effects on our lives.
The energies are testing all of us to reconsider who we thought we were so that we can surrender to who we truly are. And who is that? Human souls in the physical realm of Earth with far greater power than we are currently aware or calling forth.
Saturn and Uranus in Tension since 2021
With Saturn conjunct the moon, there is emotional fear and resistance with regard to letting go of “how things have always been”. Saturn in Aquarius has expressed itself in the area of corporate technology, science, and medicine, presenting these advancements as benefitting the planet on the whole, yet this full moon is likely to reveal any weaknesses in this side of the argument.
Both Saturn and Uranus are rulers of the sign Aquarius; Saturn is the traditional ruler, and Uranus is the modern ruler. When in tension, it is the slower moving planet furthest away from Earth that has the upper hand and final say.
Uranus represents the Earth – Taurus. There will be groundbreaking revelations from Uranus that shine a light on the faulty foundations of a corporate society (Saturn) and its plans for Earth’s future. Anything out of integrity with organic life, peace and prosperity (Taurus) will be subjected to Uranus’s lightning strike.
Sun and Venus in Leo Strengthen Life Force
As we add to this picture the Sun in Leo with Venus’s recent entry into this sign, we can make a stronger argument for life force energy.
The Sun in its own sign is strong enough, and with Venus ruling the Taurus North Node joining forces with the Sun, our future direction and destiny (North Node) is brighter than ever. The question is – can we see that future?
We can if we turn away from the influence of the Scorpio South Node – the past with a gravitational force that would have us remain in fear. If we look instead towards Heaven, and call upon those angelic forces that guide and protect us, there is no stopping humanity from achieving that end.
Uranus represents the ultimate liberator and revolutionary. In Taurus, it is literally setting the Earth free of everything that is not in integrity with the eco-system, and all natural life on our planet. This should be good news for us all, even if it means there are certain “truths” we’ve been holding onto that turn out to be quite false.
Venus in Magical Conversation with the North Node and Uranus
Although the quintile is considered a minor transit, it holds great significance at this full moon. The planets connected by a quintile symbolize that a great deal of magic is at our disposal when we tap into their energies. In this case Venus (ruler of the Taurus NN), in conversation with Uranus and the North Node itself, means there is definitely magic in the air.
With Venus and the Sun in the sign of Leo, the energy is reminding us to perceive with our hearts and not just “think” from the mind’s eye only.
Uranus conjunct the Venus-ruled NN is reminding us to remember the magic and infinite creativity of this amazing planet we call home. Taurus’s SENSE-ability will keep us stable and grounded as we maintain our connection to Earth, remembering how wise she truly is and how magical is the creation she supports.
Blessings Always,
Links & FREE Resources:
Aquarius Full Moon Astrosonics Activation!
Free consultations for a limited time for NEW clients!
For MEN and women interested in learning astrology with sound healing activations, I am beginning a new HYBRID course (in person and online): Living in Your Element. The following is a preliminary outline of the course dates and topics. Stay tuned for more details!
The course fee is only $99 for 10 hours. I will have registration details soon…!
August 11, 2022 @ 6:23 pm
Wow! Very clear and concise. I’ve noticed a deeper, and stronger connection to the earth, for me, over the last couple of weeks, especially, when I’m standing barefoot in the grass. I feel more at home then I have previously.
August 13, 2022 @ 5:45 pm
Emma, that is so wonderful to hear!! I believe we are all returning home, but upping the level for sure!
August 11, 2022 @ 11:31 pm
Thank you for the sparkling, optimistic cosmic weather report! Spot on. I feel it. Looking forward to your course!
August 13, 2022 @ 5:44 pm
Hey, thank you Steve! I appreciate your confirmation and support! 🙏