New Moon in Virgo

This New Moon in Virgo signifies one of the most important new moons of the year, as it brings with it a highly productive, fertile, and important opportunity. Virgo signifies a time of harvesting. Because it’s on the opposite side of Pisces, where we cultivate our dreams, and sometimes feel confused about what that will look like, or if it will ever come into form, that is actually Virgo’s job. The oppositions work together to help us balance those energies, and with this new moon in Virgo, we may actually begin to reap the harvest, or see the evidence begin to manifest. This is because along with the sun and moon, we have Venus, Mars, and Mercury in Virgo, plus an exact trine from Uranus in Taurus.

Virgo also pertains to health, our day-to-day routine, and our particular brand of service or skill set.  On the high side, Virgo loves to perfect and improve these areas of our lives, and possesses an incredible ability to discern what is needed and what needs to go.  On the low side, Virgo can be hypercritical of self or others, or quite sensitive to what it feels is criticism from others.

Wherever Virgo falls in your chart will be affected by this new moon, and will also be influenced by the exact trine from liberating and innovative Uranus, at 6 degrees Taurus. Uranus always brings surprises, epiphanies, sudden and unexpected insights or change. And with this trine occurring in earth signs these changes could be quite tangible.

Since Virgo relates to daily service and the job, combined with Taurus, which has to do with self-esteem and personal resources, we could see a brand new opportunity arise that will improve our work or ability to earn income quite profoundly. Uranus rules “high tech” and the internet, but it also has to do with groups, associations, and allies, so the new opportunity could have to do with any one or all of those expressions.

Whereas last month’s new moon in Leo was at an odd angle to the ongoing Saturn/South Node/Pluto in Capricorn stellium, this new moon, at least by sign, will be in harmony with that energy, which has been pushing everyone’s buttons as it brings up old patterns and triggers for the purpose of healing.

There is an odd angle, a quincunx, between Chiron in Aries, and the Virgo new moon. So when we look for the common ground these two signs have in common, we find work, career, or some unique form of service; Aries catalyzes new pathways, while Virgo affects daily routine. Chiron in Aries wants to pioneer a new path in healing, and the stellium in Virgo wants to improve or perfect upon it. Together, they are applying their energies in this area to forge a creative channel that could manifest a new way of experiencing life and health-related issues on a day to day basis.

Last but not least, we have a T-square from Jupiter in Sagittarius, to Venus in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces. Even though T-squares can cause inner tension, they ultimately motivate us to make the necessary changes for growth.

With Jupiter, Venus, and Neptune, we are blending together our belief system, highest ideals and dreams, and our ability to attract the necessary resources to achieve these dreams.

Since squares help things manifest, this T-square bodes well for the overall energy of this new moon because we may begin to see the tangible results of the dreams we’ve been working on for quite some time.