Winter Solstice 2020: Epoch Conjunction of Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius, and the USA
When the sun enters Capricorn on December 21st, there will be an epoch conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius that hasn’t occurred in 600 years. The return of this ancient alignment is the Universe’s way of saying “Get with the Galactic Program!”

The last time Jupiter and Saturn joined up in Aquarius occurred in 1405, when they were more than halfway through the sign.
This time the planets conjoin at 0 degrees, emphasizing a brand new cycle of Aquarian liberation.
An example from 1405 reveals that when the Mongol Empire sought to invade Ming China, their leader suddenly died. His death prevented the invasion, and instead caused the collapse of the Mongol Empire.

With this 2020 conjunction, we can expect to see liberation from those entities who have sought to control rather than serve. Aquarian themes such as future progress, humanitarian endeavors,
group consensus, and the high tech digital age are all on deck for renovation and innovation.
Solstice and the USA

For the USA, especially, our destiny will be getting an upgrade, reboot, kick in the pants, or all of the above, as this conjunction triggers the nodes of the moon at 6 Aquarius and 6 Leo.
As if more proof is needed that revolution and change are occurring and, by design, quite necessary, we also have the ongoing T-Square from Uranus in Taurus to the USA’s nodal axis.
The people are fed up with those institutions, leaders, and authorities, who have placed themselves and their own agenda above those of the people as well as above the law.
The destiny for North Node in Leo is to roar like the lion, to be heard loud and clear by those who have either refused to listen, or who haven’t taken their message seriously.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus: Rulers that Impact this Solstice
When the rulers of a sign are involved, it means that the lessons of that transit or aspect hold greater relevance. In this case we have both Saturn, the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and Uranus, the modern ruler, making powerful aspects to the USA’s nodal axis.
Uranus at 6 Taurus makes an exact T-square to the nodes, while Saturn by its rare conjunction with Jupiter in Aquarius, activates the nodes by conjunction and opposition.

Jupiter is significant as a ruler as well. Since the sign rising in the USA chart is Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius, that means that Jupiter rules the USA chart.
So not only do we have both traditional and modern rulers of Aquarius involved in this 600-year-old alignment and the USA’s nodal axis, we also have the USA’s chart ruler involved in the solstice energies. This is a triple-whammy for change in the USA.
As transiting Jupiter reaches 6 degrees, it will form an exact conjunction to the USA’s South Node, and an exact square to transiting Uranus. In the meantime, USA’s “natal Uranus” sits in opposition to the Sagittarius Ascendant. The combination of the two signifies “a big break, lucky breakthrough, success in going one’s independent way to greener pastures.” (Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl). Exactly what and from whom will we be breaking free?
Jupiter rules Foreign Influence
As the USA’s chart ruler, Jupiter will magnify how the USA perceives and relates to foreign entities, especially within the context of the SN past and “how it’s always been done”. It will expand how the USA projects itself (Sagittarius Rising) onto the rest of the world.
In its conjunction to Saturn, this signature is the very definition of law and order. Noel Tyl describes it as such: “law and order; ambitions given the go ahead signal; patience pays off…” (Solar Arcs, p 427).
While the shadow side can express itself as dogmatic and self-righteous, it is likely that law and order will be required to offset erratic behavior triggered by Uranus’s square to the nodes.
The emotionally mature will be able to handle social unrest, while those less stable are likely to suffer the consequences. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn squaring Uranus is analogous to the werewolf or the hulk bursting through their “human suit”.
Neptune’s T-Square to Transiting Nodes

In the current sky and at the Winter solstice, we also have Neptune at 18 Pisces forming a tight T-square to the transiting Nodes at 19 Sagittarius (SN) and 19 Gemini (NN). It also is applying an opposition to the USA’s natal Neptune at 22 Virgo in the 9th house of foreign affairs.
On the positive side Neptune in Pisces represents idealism, mysticism, refined beauty both artistically and spiritually. The shadow side of Neptune epitomizes deception, delusion, and the decimation of spiritual trust.

With the T-square to the transiting nodes and the opposition to USA’s Neptune, there will be many people who feel utterly blindsided and betrayed by the events that unfold.
The best recourse and remedy is to reach for the positive vibration of Neptune: cultivate trust in the Divine process unfolding, and hold the highest vision for healing.
Overarching Cosmic Cycles – Nature’s Law of Reciprocity
Every winter solstice brings with it the peak of darkness and the birth of light. This one in particular is one for the ages, as the “dark to light” energy is magnified by several events.
As I’ve enumerated in previous newsletters and in both of my books, these are intense moments of transformation in our world, and it helps to remember that everything has a much greater purpose related to the overarching cosmic cycles.
The most intense of these are caused by outer planets, such as Sedna, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. And now we can add the 600-year-old alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius.
These changes are undeniable and irrevocable. No matter how disturbing things may seem, however, there is only one purpose – to restore balance and healing to our world.
Summary of cosmic change:
1) The eclipses of this month alone impact the USA, accelerating necessary change
2) The 600-year planetary alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius ushers in the Great Awakening and the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
3) Uranus squaring the USA nodes – wake up call to former establishments and entrenched “powers that be”
4) Neptune in Pisces forms a close T-square to the transiting nodes and opposition to USA’s Neptune. This signifies the culmination of the Age of Pisces: uncovering and releasing deception, self-undoing. substance abuse, loss of healthy boundaries, assorted addictions, all manner of toxicity, and giving away our power to unscrupulous forces
5) Pluto in Capricorn returning to its natal position in the USA Chart – unstoppable transformation of the USA’s hidden power structures; changing power from a government that rules subversively to one that restores transparency and power to the people
6) Sedna’s return reminds us that no one is above Nature’s law of reciprocity. Those who have blatantly disregarded any form of life will experience her justice.
There will be a reckoning that involves the loss of resources and livelihood by those who have desecrated life, and their deeds will be exposed to the public.
This is not a manmade law; neither is it “wishing upon a star”. It is Nature’s way of self-regulating, and restoring balance and healing to the planet.
The impact of Sedna’s return to our solar system has yet to be fully acknowledged and understood. It is The Major Influence calling our attention to the ancient fear and trauma imbedded in our DNA that must be healed in order for us to transcend the issues that divide us.
Holding that vision for our world, and wishing all of you many blessings and miracles this Winter Solstice and into the New Year,
December 14, 2020 @ 5:36 pm
Brilliant !!!!
December 20, 2020 @ 8:54 am
Thank you Cary!
March 5, 2021 @ 7:32 pm
But even when I stop crying, even when we fall asleep and I’m nestled in his arms, this will leave another scar. No one will see it. No one will know. But it will be there. And eventually all of the scars will have scars, and that’s all I’ll be–one big scar of a love gone wrong. ― Amanda Grace, But I Love Him