Spring Equinox 2023 Part 2: New Earth Rising
The Spring Equinox on March 20, quickly followed by the Aries New Moon on March 21, signifies the start of the new astrological year, which kickstarts an astrological domino effect.
Two days later, on March 23, Pluto enters Aquarius, and provides a precursor to changes that will take hold in 2024.
Then on March 25, Mars enters Cancer after a 6-month transit through Gemini. And even though it will zip right through the sign of Cancer, its shift holds relevance because of its relationship to the Scorpio South Node as well as the Aries New Moon.
The Nodes Weave a Bridge from Past to Future
As co-rulers of the Scorpio South Node, both Mars and Pluto inform our transition from the past to what we are bringing into our future (Taurus North Node).
Pluto and Mars provide clues as to what it is about our relationship to the past that will be changing, as well as what will impact our transition to the new.
Admittedly, the charts shown in this article will have a different Ascendant than those drawn up for another location, Locations always impact the rising sign, which then impacts the other angles as well: Midheaven (10th house cusp), Nadir (4th house cusp), and Descendant) (7th house cusp).
When viewed as a “horary” chart, however, which pertains to the current event in question, then the Ascendant may also be considered as a symbol for the energies that are “rising” with regard to that event.
As I drew up the charts for Pluto’s and Mars’s ingress into Aquarius and Cancer, respectively, the configuration resembled an archer’s bow pointing directly at the Taurus Ascendant.
The fact that the Taurus Ascendant is a focal point of the energies is a powerful statement for the “New Earth” that is dawning upon us all.
Taking Aim for New Earth’s Ascension
With Pluto on one side and Mars on the other, each one seems to guide the direction of the archer’s bow.
As the energies take aim for what is rising, certain elements from our past are simultaneously setting.
This is represented by the Scorpio South Node on the descendant.
Pluto and Mars are co-rulers for the sign of Scorpio and, as such, are emphasizing how we need to shift our perspectives on the past in order to potentially facilitate a fresh new start.
Simultaneous Ending and Beginnings
As discussed in Part 1, the recent Virgo Full Moon followed by Saturn’s ingress into Pisces both signify the “curtain closing” on the Age of Pisces.
With the current Spring Equinox initiating a new astrological year and end of the previous, there does seem to be an emphasis on simultaneous endings and beginnings. These transitions, however, are just the beginning of what will unfold throughout the rest of 2023.
Eclipse Season
Eclipses also signify accelerated change, and go into effect months before and after the actual event. With the eclipses of April 20, May 5, October 14 and 28, we will also experience the end of eclipses involving Taurus-Scorpio and begin eclipses in Aries-Libra.
Destiny is Dawning
To understand anything about our future, it’s always important to look at the current “event” as a snapshot of energies that inform our past, present, and future, and this can be seen in the “horary” chart shown above.
The Taurus North Node conjunct the Ascendant signifies what is dawning in our world at this time. Whether we call it the “New Earth”, or the Age of Aquarius, it is nevertheless a new era on the rise.
The fact that Venus makes a conjunction to the Ascendant and the Taurus North Node, which it rules, is a blatant significator of a new destiny dawning. It bears repeating that the Taurus North Node symbolizes peace, prosperity and harmony.
The rulers of the nodes also provide information for us. Venus conjunct its own North Node emphasizes that harmony is our destiny, while South Node rulers, Pluto and Mars, indicate that the lens through which we view our past will be changing.
God of the Hidden Realm in the Sign of Humanity
Pluto rules the underworld, but in its association with the 8th house, it also symbolizes hidden wealth and spiritual wisdom.
When Pluto enters Aquarius – the sign representing humanity – I believe we will witness people accessing more deeply their spiritual gifts and talents.
Not everything regarding the “shadow” and intangible dimensions is negative. The shadow symbolizes what is unconscious, unacknowledged, and, therefore, untapped potential.
Both Scorpio and Taurus pertain to money, assets, and values; Taurus rules assets we visibly acquire, while Scorpio rules the assets we cultivate beneath the surface of things; this can be spiritual as well as material wealth (think gold and other precious metals buried deep underground).
When Pluto enters Aquarius it may reveal wealth we never knew about – an inheritance of sorts on both the material and spiritual levels that regenerates and revitalizes (Pluto) the human family (Aquarius).
Innovation, Science, and Technology
The sign Aquarius also symbolizes advances in science and technology, innovations and inventions that carry us lightyears ahead. With Pluto entering this sign we will more than likely see advances in technology that have been kept ‘in the dark”.
Pluto’s fundamental job is to annihilate what the ego has become too attached to so that the pure essence of soul can shine through.
In that respect, Pluto will expose certain power abuses in the realm of science and technology, telecommunications, aviation, (all things Aquarian), for the purpose of dismantling that power.
The Warrior in the Sign of the Nurturer
Mars’s ingress into the sign of Cancer may seem a bit paradoxical, but it’s main impulse is “to protect and defend”.
Cancer also has that protective instinct. Its symbol, the crab, retreats into its shell when it feels vulnerable to attack.
With the warrior in the sign of the nurturer, domesticity, emotional connection, and “the mother”, there is a common theme of “protecting the vulnerable” that may be seen in a new light.
Ancestral History
Cancer is also concerned with family ancestry, and leaving a legacy. It is concerned with emotional bonds and soul groups that extend back in time.
Mars in Cancer may instigate protection of the “homeland” as well as the legacy of those who died defending it.
When we combine the energies of Pluto in Aquarius with Mars in Cancer, we get a sort of hybrid involving soul families that include our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters.
The “motherland” may look to the “mothership” for conscious connection, and telepathic communications for the purpose of advancing our own evolution on earth.
At the same time, however, spiritual integrity of the highest order must be properly vetted to avoid repeats from the past that epitomize Scorpio South Node trauma.
The positive vibe of Scorpio is complete regeneration after loss, death, or deep grief.
In the midst of this year’s momentous changes, one after another, certain labor pains are inevitable. It will be helpful to focus on the outcome – a healthy New Earth – and to breathe and release all that no longer serves our forward evolution.
Forever grateful,
On the Horizon:
Over the coming months, Earth’s transition will be gaining momentum and these energies will be covered in future updates.
- Eclipses April 20 and May 5
- Jupiter’s Ingress into Taurus May 16
- Sedna’s Ingress into Gemini June 15
- Nodal Shift from Taurus-Scorpio to Aries-Libra July 17
- Eclipses October 14 and 28
In Case You Missed It ~ Links and Resources
It was such an honor to be in conversation with the amazing Pam Gregory, Astrologer, discussing Sedna’s influence on our current evolutionary journey. Listen by clicking here.
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Astrology, Affirmations, and Harmonies for the Spring Equinox/Aries New Moon
Listen to the video on Saturn’s Ingress into Pisces
NEW! Pluto’s Ingress into Aquarius and Mars’s Ingress into Cancer with Affirmations and Harmonies
Information on Astrology Readings and Astrosonics
March 21, 2023 @ 7:37 pm
Thank you so much Jennifer! As always, you bring such an uplifting, informative and inspiring perspective concerning the movement of the spheres and the energy they bring. Much appreciated. 🙏💓🤩
March 24, 2023 @ 10:08 am
Thanks so much Corina! I really appreciate your support! 🙏💓
March 27, 2023 @ 10:01 am
Hi Jennifer, I really appreciated your helpful comments in these two latest posts of yours. It is very reassuring in these challenging times to read your explanations of the astrological events that are shaping our reality. I liked your mention of how we need to shift our perspectives on the past to facilitate a fresh new start. As a Scorpio, I have noticed the transformative powers, available to ALL of us – even if we can only sometimes shift our perspective a little – it still helps. I like the idea of being able to create a new world without the wrong impressions of the past hampering us. Thank you for sharing all this helpful and timely information. It helps this huge transformation we are in the midst of seem not quite so overwhelming, and actually something we are capable of… no matter how challenging it seems. And this brings much hope… which is very needed today.
April 4, 2023 @ 7:43 am
I couldn’t agree more Lynn! Thank you so much for your supportive comments and feedback, I really appreciate it! We will not only get through this transition, we will triumph together as ONE human family, hearts united for the highest good of all. 🙏 💖