Virgo Full Moon: Distinguishing Service from Sacrifice

The Full Moon on February 27 occurs at 8 degrees of Virgo, with the Sun at 8 degrees of Pisces.  The Virgo-Pisces axis asks us to balance the mystical realm of dreams and spirit with our everyday routine.

Virgo pays attention to the details, and likes to compartmentalize things, while Pisces, as the natural empath, merges with their environment, and feels the waves of emotions other people bring their way.

Virgo rules the sixth house of health, healing, and service to humanity.  They analyze each person’s skill set within the organization (or each part within the eco-system) and expect everyone to carry their weight and responsibility.

The nature of Pisces can find difficulty in distinguishing what their responsibility is because they can often get lost in the emotions swirling around them.  They require Virgo’s analytical discernment so they can extricate themselves from the collective, stormy sea, and develop self-responsibility.

Virgos can learn from Pisces’ compassion and empathy, as they often get stuck in critical analysis.  They can balance this energy with Pisces’s natural ability to simply “sit with the Divine” in sacred “beingness”, and trust that the necessary guidance will follow…in Divine flow and timing.  The ideal balance on the Virgo-Pisces axis is putting spiritual ideals into practical service without taking on the victim role or martyr syndrome.

YOD in the Full Moon Chart

Virgo Full Moon Yod
Virgo Full Moon YOD

There is a Yod (finger of God) aspect to the moon from Saturn at 8 Aquarius, and Chiron at 7 Aries.  The Yod implies that certain events are governed by fate, and cannot be controlled by mere human intention.  The way for us to reconcile any discomfort from these energies involves the blending of common themes between them.

Saturn in Aquarius seeks to bring order and integrity to Aquarian issues, such as innovation, technology, the internet, group consensus, and our future.

As Saturn in Aquarius makes contact with the Virgo moon and a desire to be of service, they can find common ground through Aquarian projects that serve humanity and advance society.  Chiron in Aries wants to champion the underdog, while also healing ancient wounds around the self’s identity and purpose.  Finding ways to be of service with like-minded allies, and still maintain individual integrity is the key to reconciling this aspect.

Pluto’s Deep Transformation of Social Structures in the USA

Mars/Sedna to Pluto
Mars/Sedna form trine to Pluto

In the full moon chart, Mars and Sedna at 27 degrees of Taurus form a trine to Pluto at 25 Capricorn.  As it happens, they also form an exact trine to the USA’s natal Pluto at 27 Capricorn because transiting Pluto is conjunct the USA’s Pluto (shown in image below).

When Pluto returns to the exact degree in the USA chart on February 20, 2022, we can expect deep transformation and change (Pluto) within our social systems (Capricorn) that will impact the environment and financial resource sector.

Lifting Neptune’s Spiritual Veils of Illusion

Pluto and Neptune
Pluto conjunction and Neptune opposition to USA’s

Neptune, at 20 Pisces, is getting ready to make an exact opposition to its natal position in the USA chart.  When it reaches 22 degrees of Pisces, it will form an exact opposition.  This occurs on May 1 and August 21 of this year, and then for the last time on March 1, 2022.

This happens right on the heels of Pluto’s return in February, so we can expect a sea- change when Neptune’s veil is lifted.  Because Neptune’s realm is the ocean, we could witness certain oceanic events occurring this summer and into the first part of 2022.  Neptune also rules the realm of spirituality, and there are likely to be many who change their spiritual outlook on life.

Call to Action

When we consider that the planets most distant from the earth (Neptune, Pluto, and Sedna) are making a comeback, we have to realize that these cycles are monumental and life changing. These are truly “biblical” times in which we are living, and they require faith and fortitude. What can we do?  When invited, Divine guidance and protection are always granted to us, but we do have to ask.

Working in harmony with the natural laws that govern our planet and Earth’s dance within the cosmos is highly recommended.

Consider a customized Astro-Analysis to find out what personal cycles are unfolding for you over the next few years.

Please join me on March 24th for a discussion on Sedna with Simran Singh and 11:11 Talk Radio!

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May Blessings Abound,
